Sep 29, 2013
Sink, Swim, or Walk on Water
Series: Stewardship
Baptism is a family event at New Life! With 9 people signed up to be Baptized this quarter, Pastor Joel wanted to make sure people understood what Baptism was and give an opportunity for any last minute decisions to die to the "old self" and rise up into the "new creation" that God has for us to be through Christ Jesus!
- Sep 29, 2013Sink, Swim, or Walk on Water
Sep 29, 2013Sink, Swim, or Walk on WaterSeries: StewardshipBaptism is a family event at New Life! With 9 people signed up to be Baptized this quarter, Pastor Joel wanted to make sure people understood what Baptism was and give an opportunity for any last minute decisions to die to the "old self" and rise up into the "new creation" that God has for us to be through Christ Jesus!
- Sep 8, 2013Discover & Cultivate Your Spiritual Gifts
Sep 8, 2013Discover & Cultivate Your Spiritual GiftsBy: Kevin MooreSeries: StewardshipKevin Moore explains the difference between natural abilities and the Spiritual gifts that the Holy Spirit gives every believer to build up the Body of Christ, the Church. It is vital that each of us discover, cultivate, and utilize the Spiritual gifts that God has given us in order for the church to function effectively and efficiently as we seek to grow the Kingdom of God! This is Part 4 of our Stewardship series which began on August 18th.
- Sep 1, 2013The Responsibility of Blessing & Success
- Aug 25, 2013The Benefit of Faith
- Aug 18, 2013Follow Me